Saturday, September 21, 2013

Installing OpenCV on Ubuntu 12.04

Today we are going to Install OpenCV  on Ubuntu.
Here  is list of  our upcomming steps:

  1. Check  for updates
  2. Install updates
  3. Install required modules
  4. Download OpenCV 
  5. Compile OpenCV
Lets start.
Run "Terminal"

Type "sudo apt-get update"

Type "sudo apt-get upgrade"

Type: "sudo apt-get install g++". We will use C++ compiler for  our OpenCV projects

Type "sudo apt-get install cmake"

Type: "sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev"

Type: "sudo apt-get install python-numpy"

Go to your favorite  browser and download OpenCV for Linux

Extact content into Home folder

Switch back to your terminal window
change directory to your newly extracted OpenCV folder. In my case it's "/Home/maks/opencv-"
Type: "cd opencv-"


Type: "make"

Type "sudo make install"

If you still don't have Eclipse IDE, then type "sudo apt-get install eclipse"

After  eclipse have been successfully installed, we have to install CDT extension
Type: "sudo apt-get install eclipse eclipse-cdt" 

Type "eclipse" and  you are ready to go.

That's all folks, now you can start Eclipse and write your awesome computer vision  apps using OpenCV.

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